Personnel changes at cellcentric GmbH & Co.KG
Prof. Dr. Christian Mohrdieck, Chief Commercial Officer, wird auf eigenen Wunsch zum 31.12.2023 aus dem Unternehmen ausscheiden. Aufsichtsrat und Geschäftsführung danken Prof. Dr. CProf. Dr. Christian Mohrdieck, Chief Commercial Officer, will leave the company at his own request on December 31, 2023. The Supervisory Board and Management Board would like to thank Prof. Dr. Christian Mohrdieck. His expertise and commitment to the hydrogen fuel cell have had a decisive influence on cellcentric and its company history.hristian Mohrdieck. Seine Kompetenz und sein Engagement für die Wasserstoffbrennstoffzelle haben cellcentric und dessen Unternehmenshistorie entscheidend geprägt.

Personnel changes at cellcentric, the 50:50 fuel cell joint venture between Daimler Truck AG and the Volvo Group. Prof. Dr. Christian Mohrdieck Chief Commercial Officer with responsibility for Legal & Intellectual Property, External Affairs as well as Sales, Marketing and Communications will leave the company at his own request on December 31, 2023.
Dr. Matthias Jurytko, CEO of cellcentric GmbH & Co KG: “We respect Christian Mohrdieck’ s decision. We would like to thank him for his decades of commitment to the hydrogen fuel cell and his outstanding work, which forms the foundation of today’s company. He has significantly shaped cellcentric with his expertise and leaves behind big footsteps. We wish him all the very best for the future.”
“The potential of the technology and the outstanding expertise of the employees have motivated and driven my work for over two decades,” says Christian Mohrdieck.
Prof. Dr. Christian Mohrdieck had already been CEO of Mercedes-Benz Fuel Cell GmbH since 2015, which was first transferred to Daimler Truck Fuel Cell GmbH & Co. KG in June 2020 and then to cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG in March 2021, for which he was Managing Director. After studying physics, Prof. Mohrdieck began his professional career in 1989 in research at Daimler-Benz AG in Frankfurt. From 2003, he held various management positions in the research and development of alternative energy and drive systems. In 2012, Prof. Mohrdieck took over as Head of Fuel Cells at the Daimler Group.
The successful spin-off of cellcentric from today’s Daimler Truck AG in March 2021 and the successful and sensitive dialog with the citizens of Weilheim with regard to the referendum in April 2022 are two of the numerous successes in which Prof. Dr. Christian Mohrdieck has played a key role in recent years.